So, the new favorite movie is the lion king. We have probably watched it about 100 times. . . a week. It is crazy that they love the movie as much as I did (and do) They now know most of the words (I am so proud) and can sing most of the songs. Our favorite to sing together is be prepared. It sounds wonderful, although Chris does forget some of the words every once in awhile. BUT - he is two so its understood.
The thing is, my children now act out different scenes as the movie is playing. Their favorite is the fight scene. Imagine - Krista is Scar, Alex is Simba. Krista stalks Alex and says "do you deny it!"
Alex answers, "No."
She comes back with, "So you admit it. Murderer!"
Alex says, "No, it wasn't like that." and so on and so forth, until we hit the climactic part when Simba is hanging off the cliff (in our home the coffee table represents said cliff).
Krista leans over and says, "I have a little secret of my own. IIIII KIIILLLLEEEDD MUFFFFFAAAAASSSSAAA!!" Alex then roars loudly, jumps up on to the table on top of Krista, and puts his paw (hand) on her throat.
"Tell them the truth!" and so on and so forth. Once Scar (Krista) admits he killed Mufasa, they both start in roaring and pawing at each other. Krista then falls off the table down to the waiting Hyenas, and yells in agony as they do her in. All this time Chris is in the background roaring periodically. I have spent many a days watching this (and many other scenes) play out in front of me, and have not once thought to pick up my camera and video tape it. That will be my first priority next time they do it.
I love my kids, they really are entertaining.
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