Christmas was great this year. It was nice to have my bro and sis in law here again since last year they were on a cruise to Mexico for the holiday. We did the normal stay at mom and dad's the whole week tradition which the kids really love. They get to see everybody from sun up to sun down and they enjoy every minute.
Santa was pretty good to everyone. Alex is Ironman (seriously thinks he is) and has all the accessories necessary to save the world as Tony Starks. Krista is my little princess. She has her favorite princess doll and baby doll (Tiana of course) and a box full of fairy princess clothes to dress up in. I do have to say if there is a character that she most is like in that movie it would be Charlotte. I think Krista would kiss a frog if she could marry a prince and be a princess.
Chris wanted a happy meal and a Spiderman for Christmas. Unfortunately they were all sold out of happy meals, but we did manage to find a few Spidermen for him. Typical of a two year old though, he played with everyone else's toys most of the time.
Overall there was good food, quality time with friends and family, and great memories. My only complaint is that it was over way too soon.
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