So, today my oldest is officially a kindergartner. (Unofficially he has been since the end of May of course.) Although he has been going to school since he three, it was still strange to leave him in that room. It is way to official now. He is a big boy, far from a baby. I am excited to see what he learns this year. He is so curious by nature, I know that he will just soak up whatever is thrown at him.
On a totally unrelated note, as I sit here and type, Krista is begging for little man's nuggets (which he has been nursing for about two hours). It is like a game, she tries to feed him, he says no, so she tries to eat it, and all of a sudden he wants it. Then, baby girl proceeds to say, "Please can I have it? Please, please, please! Please! Please! Of course the whole time this is going on, they are lounging on me making it very hard to think, let alone type. So, since there is entirely too much effort in this post, I will end for now. Random, I know.
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