Today is my baby's second birthday. The time has passed way too quickly! He has been a blessing. He entered this world weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces. He was 19 and 3/4 inches and my biggest baby. He came here with a head full of black hair. It has been a crazy ride since then. Adding one more to a family changes the entire dynamic. He has such personality, and everyone falls in love with him. I blame his brother and sister because their hyperactivity and spasticness has definitely influenced him. He is a flirt, and loves to dance and sing. He is not shy and laughs loud and plays hard. He is all boy, and loves his mama above all others (except maybe pop pop). If you had asked me three years ago if I wanted another child I would have said no way, but now my life would be utterly incomplete without him!
Happy birthday sweet baby!