Friday, August 20, 2010


Could this week really have been any busier. I have been so tired at the end of every night! Lets start with Wednesday. Football had a scrimmage, so we decided to cheer since it was a home game. I was on my feet the entire time. Then I had to pick the kids up from my parents house. By the time I got home, we were all done. Chris and I fell asleep on the couch, and didn't go upstairs until close to two o'clock. I had the presence of mind to check his diaper and realize it was pretty heavy. SO, half asleep and delirious I took the diaper off, and replaced it with a pull up, since it was easier to put on. We then went back to sleep. When Donnie got home, he woke me up to inform me that Chris had peed all over me. I apparently had slept right through it. I didn't understand how he had peed on me since I had changed him before we fell back to sleep. Well, Donnie informed me that although I had put the pull up on him, I had failed to point his important parts the right way. As a matter of fact, not only had I not pointed it the right way, it was poking out of the top of the pull up. There is no telling how many times I got peed on.

1 comment:

  1. This is why I wanted you to have a blog-you crack me up!!!! Why didn't we see each other yesterday???
